Thank you for your interest and commitment to Weddings Insider.

After much consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the event. We simply don’t feel that we can attract enough attendees to produce a world-class conference.

If you are an attendee, your ticket price will be refunded in full by 12/31/24 in the same manner in which you paid.

If you are an exhibitor and you paid a deposit, your deposit will be refunded in full by 12/31/24 in the same manner in which you paid.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding as we wind down the event.

Should you have any questions, please email

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Weddings Insider Team

Offer expires at midnight on Sunday, 02/09/2025

Build your base

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Maryam Attia

Weddings Insider / Maryam Attia
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Maryam Attia

Gigi's Bridal


Before Gigi’s Bridal became the high vibe bridal boutique in Fort Lauderdale you see today, Maryam planted seeds for five years to sprout Gigi’s Bridal when the time was right. The journey of Gigi’s Bridal is a story of growth through the dearest motherly love and perseverance of creating Gigi’s Bridal through uncertain years. After eight years of corporate sales experience where she gained expertise in cold calling, unique positioning, and strategic direction, Maryam applied her transferable skills including her keen understanding of the customer voice to initiate her journey into bridal. The experience at Gigi’s Bridal is about far more than the dress itself. Gigi’s Bridal challenges the look and feel of traditional bridal boutiques by infusing unique boutique design while guiding brides to their iconic “yes!” to the dress moment. As showcased on social media, the design on Gigi’s Bridal is intentionally designed to captivate brides and convey a can’t miss experience. Maryam’s selling strategy of establishing common ground to organically unearth pain points has led brides needing to look no further than off-the-rack gowns at Gigi’s Bridal. The realness Maryam delivers to her brides is reflected in her no-fluff delivery and untraditional presentation where the audience is enabled and empowered to rethink traditional industry practices.

